Courses Offered
- Architectural Draughtsman
- Sewing Technology
- Baker & Confectioner
- Cosmetology
- Dental Laboratory Equipment Technician
- Hospital Housekeeping
- Surface Ornamentation
Techniques - Dress Making
- Stenography & Secretarial
Assistant(English) - Stenography & Secretarial Assistant (Hindi)
- Draughtsman (Civil)
- Draughtsman (Mech.)
- C.O.P.A.
- Information Technology
- Computer Hardware &
Network Maintenance - Mechanic Consumer
Electronics Appliances
Society Members List
We, the undersigned, whose occupation and address as given below wish to form and register ourselves a Society under the Society Registration Act 1860 in pursuance of this memorandum of association on the day of month year :
Sr. No. | Address & Occupation | Designation |
1 | Divisional Commissioner, Ambala | Chairman |
2 | Deputy Commissioner, Ambala | Vice Chairman |
3 | Chairman, IMC of ITI, Ambala | Vice Chairman |
4 | A representative of Director, Industrial Training & Vocational Education, Haryana | Member |
5 | A representative of Director, Industries Department, Haryana | Member |
6 | A representative of Finance Department Government of Haryana | Member |
7 | A representative of Director General of Employment & Training, Govt. of India | Member |
8 | A representative of Donor Agency, if any | Member |
9 | Principal, Industrial Training Institute Women, Ambala City | Member Secretary |